Campus Resources


DOS Resource Guide (PDF)

Campus Living

Campus Living is made up of the four key areas- Residence Life, Housing Operations, Dining Services, and ECU Student Transit.

Off Campus Student Services Information >

Center for Counseling and Student Development

The Center for Counseling and Student Development invites all enrolled students to acquaint themselves with the services offered. All students are eligible for an initial assessment with one of the counselors. Center for Counseling and Student Development provides individual counseling within a brief, short-term therapeutic model, with most students benefiting from 4-5 sessions. Short-term counseling can be beneficial to students experiencing challenges in the following areas: Personal, Academic, Relationship, and Development.

Drug Abuse and Alcohol Prevention Program >

DAAPP Resource Links >

DAAPP Biennial Report >

Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students staff serves as a liaison between students, parents, faculty, university staff and administrators to: assist with individual or group crisis; navigate campus procedures; and serve as an advocate for students, when needed. The office is the primary contact for individuals who need assistance identifying the appropriate resources available to them. In an effort to meet the individual needs of our students, the Department for Disability Support Services and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities join with the Dean of Students to provide comprehensive student services and thematic programming that emphasizes personal, emotional and academic development. These departments work in partnership with the Office of the Dean of Students by responding pro-actively to crisis, safety, wellness and access matters. Collectively, we are committed to helping every member of our community to succeed.

Disability Support Services

The Department for Disability Support Services provides individuals with support that will enable them to access programs, services, facilities, and activities of the university and to enhance disability awareness among all constituents of the university. Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services located in Slay 138, 252-737-1016.

Academic Accommodations
Academic accommodations may be available to students including access to assistive technology and testing accommodations. Students should contact Disability Support Services (DSS) to discuss possible assistance during their recovery period. DSS can be reached at (252) 737-1016 or

Students with temporary mobility conditions are not eligible for upgrades to park in the A zone. As a large, land locked University, parking is and always will be a challenge on campus.  In response to meeting the needs of students with disabilities, ECU operates a fully compliant Transit system consisting of modern buses that allow easy on and off access.  In addition, the University operates a point to point on demand service called Pirate Access.

Pirate Access Application >

Register for Disability Support Services >


Students face many stressors during their college tenure which may impact their behavior negatively. ECU CARES was developed to offer assistance to distressed individuals and connect them to the appropriate campus resources. ECU CARES provides an avenue to share concerning behaviors with professional staff on campus.

If you believe someone poses an imminent threat to themselves or others, contact the ECU Police at 252-328-0062 or call 911.  To report concerning behavior that is not an emergency, please complete the reporting form below.

Report a Person of Concern

ECU Police

The mission of the East Carolina University Police Department is to partner with students, faculty, staff, as well as, visitors to provide and maintain a safe learning environment while enhancing the quality of life at East Carolina University and the surrounding community. The East Carolina University Police Department will support the educational mission of the university by promoting safety, providing services, and working in collaboration with the university community. The ECU Police Department offers services like emergency blue-light phones, a ride-along program, lost and found, a crisis intervention team, and various education programs.

Office of Students Rights and Responsibilities

The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities administers the Student Conduct Process. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities fosters student growth by promoting students’ awareness and understanding of their rights and responsibilities as community members. It addresses student conduct and creates developmental learning opportunities in an effort to engage students in ethical decision-making.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services is a primary health care facility with two locations conveniently on Main and Health Sciences campus, comprised of dedicated professionals providing easily accessible and affordable health care to enrolled students. Our facilities specialize in the overall health and well-being of each patient in our campus community by offering a comprehensive list of services.

Student Pregnancy and Parenting

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes pregnancy, parenting and all related conditions, in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding. The Dean of Students Office works closely with the Office of Equity and Diversity to academically support these students.

Student Treasure Chest

The Students’ Treasure Chest fosters a spirit of service and philanthropy within the student body to address the emergent financial needs of students and to encourage students to become life-long donors to ECU. Contributions to the Students’ Treasure Chest will support students who have a financial emergency. All donations to the Students’ Treasure Chest establish opportunity or emergency awards for students.

Military & Veterans Resource Center

Military & Veterans Resource Center will help connect Service-members/Veterans and their families to the appropriate services on campus by providing the following:

  • Information and resources to ease the transition from military-life to campus-life
  • Provide an in-depth and unique orientation only for student veterans.
  • Mentoring through the PAVE program
  • Connect students with the Pirate Veterans” Student Organization
  • A veterans lounge to relax in, watch TV, eat lunch and to meet with other veterans
  • COAD 1000 course specifically designed for veterans

Faculty Resources

Disruptive Academic Behavior Policy

Faculty members should always notify their department chair / school director about students of concern. Unit administrators should be consulted if faculty members are considering use of the Disruptive Academic Behavior policy (pdf). Most colleges have an associate dean who can provide assistance with student behavior and academic issues.

Dealing with Disruptive Behavior

Dealing with disruptive classroom Behavior (PDF)


Students face many stressors during their college tenure which may impact their behavior negatively. ECU CARES was developed to offer assistance to distressed individuals and connect them to the appropriate campus resources. ECU CARES provides an avenue to share concerning behaviors to professionals on campus.

To report a person of concern call 252-328-9297 or use the reporting form.

Human Resources

The Department of Human Resources serves the ECU community through innovation and action in the development and management of the university’s human resources.  The staff works to support the mission of East Carolina University with an overarching commitment to outstanding customer service and accountability.  The department consists of six units that oversee the entire human resources function to include policy administration, recruitment and selection, onboarding, benefits administration, employee relations, career development and training, classification and compensation, information systems, and data reporting.  Personnel matters are governed by state statutes, UNC Policy Manual, and The Code of the University of North Carolina, and most processes and actions are prescribed by these governing documents.  Human Resources plays a critical role in ensuring ECU is accountable and compliant in terms of Federal, State, and UNC System human resources practices.

Prospective Health

The primary mission of the Office of Prospective Health is to provide quality health and safety services to all employees of East Carolina University. We work in collaboration with the Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) to ensure the safety of all ECU personnel. Our goal is to ensure that ECU is in compliance with state and federal regulations related to these activities:

Recognizing and Referring student in distress

Recognizing and Reporting a Student in Distress (PDF)

University Excused Absence Policy

University Excused Absence >